i'm interested
i'm interested
eligibility form
the first step in finding the right school for you
Eligibility is complicated, and we may need to contact you with further questions in some cases. This form is designed to address any major concerns regarding eligibility.
We always recommend scheduling a consultation with us at the end. It is quick and easy to do, and is a great way for us to answer any questions you may have.
What's even better, our consultations are absolutely free! Simply fill in this form and click "I'd like to schedule my free consultation" at the end!
Your details
Name *
Email Address *
WhatsApp / Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Nationality *
Current School / College
Expected Graduation Date
Playing experience
Primary Playing Position
Current Club
Highest Competitive Level Played
Is there a particular division you are hoping for?
Select one...
I'm not sure
educational background
When was the last time you were in education? *
Select one...
I am currently in education
Under 1 Year
1-2 Years
2-3 Years
Over 3 years
What stage of education are you currently in? *
Select one...
I am not currently in education
Secondary School
University / Higher Education
Did you, or are you expected to, pass your GCSE Maths and English? *
Select one...
Is there anything else you wish to add about your current education status?
final bits
these questions are optional, but they help us get to know you better
What's your yearly budget?
Select one...
I'm not sure
$20,000 +
Why are you considering college in the USA?
Is there a particular part of the USA you are interested in?
Do you have any questions for us?
I have read and accept the
privacy policy
terms and conditions
I am interested in scheduling a free consultation
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